Welcome Juneau Douglas High School Players, Parents, Coaches, Fans and competing Teams. We are happy to be a part of the 2015/2016 baseball and softball season and can't wait to capture some awesome shots this year. Feel free to like any image by clicking the share buttons for Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. We hope to get instagram up soon as most players like that mode of media best. Fell free to tag us using instagram @crowfox, for photo cred:) Help support our team by downloading an image or 10. They are only $1.99 and all of that goes to the team for travel and to have other teams fly to Juneau. We love special requests, so don't be afraid to come say hi or track me down when I'm not on shooting. You can also email me your player number. Best of luck this season Boys, and one Girls!!!!!

Crow Fox Carol Interns:
Open - Photographer &
Niko Hebert - Website Editor